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Schadenfreude, Word of the Day

July 14, 2010

Schadenfreude (of German Origin)
Translates to “Malicious joy”

marijuana minute, word of the day

April 23, 2010

marijuana minute

A seemingly long period of time. It occurs most often when under the influence of marijuana due to the altered state of mind. An actually short moment may seem to drag on forever.

Similar to: New York Minute

Dude, that speech lasted a marijuana minute.


I know, I kept wondering if it was going to ever end


Buy-Curious, Word of the Day

April 22, 2010
(As used on Arrested Development.)

A person who is just looking around and may or may not be interested in buying something from a store.
Store Clerk: “Oh, look who’s back… are you going to buy something this time, or are you just curious?”
Tobias: “Well, I guess you could say that I’m buy-curious!”

Arthur, I really hate you.

April 21, 2010

It's really hard to know that the man I will never talk to again is a man I once loved.

Arthur, I don’t know why I was your boyfriend for so long, and i don’t know why I agreed to still be your friend after we broke up. All you did was hurt me more. We had rules; rules that YOU made and only I followed! At the top of the list; No hitting on, kissing, flirting with other guys in front of the other person. I had no problem with that rule, but obviously you did. I knew it was all over when I saw you making out with that Stephen guy at our favorite club. After you unlocked lips with him and caught my eye; I saw the fear in your face. I’ll never forget that. So in the next morning when you get a phone call and it’s Stephen (you gave him your number in front of me), and I asked you to take me home, i knew it was the end. I’ve never ended a relationship before because I like to hold onto people, but you made me cross that line. You keep betraying people over and over. I forgave you for the confused, boy-looking lesbian that you broke up with me for, but when you constantly betray someone, you tell that that you really don’t care and that I have no value to you. Thanks for making me truly hate another human. You’re nothing but yellow (cowardly), asian trash.

Adam, The First Boyfriend

April 20, 2010

10 years after we were boyfriends.

Oh Adam. It was such puppy love with you. We were both so young! I was 16, you were the older man at 17, and we lived 60 miles apart. I met Adam online on mIRC (remember those internet relay chat days?), back when dial-up internet was the only internet available. I was blazing fast with my 14.4k modem! I had upgraded from a 4800bps modem and I was so impressed. I remember I had gotten really good on mIRC from long hours trolling it as a 15 and 16yo boy. No longer did I have to go into #gaySomeRandomThing chatrooms. Not anymore! I could do searches by ISP’s and locate people close to me. That’s how I stumbled across Adam. We chatted for several days and decided to meet.

Adam was, and still is 6’4″ tall, very handsome, gorgeous brown eyes which I’m sorry I can not show, and has an perfect set of choppers. He drove to my house and picked me up in his very unimpressive car (Buick LeSabre)with a very awesome stereo. Since we were both young teenagers and both lived with our parents, we could only go out and do things. I couldn’t let him in my house, and I couldn’t get to his. We would make out in his car, in movies, parking lots: wherever we could. This was all happening at the time when those star wars movies were coming out. I can tell you that I’ve been to all three movies in the movie theater, but I can’t say I watched any of the movies. We used to perform oral sex on each other in the back of the theater. Once a woman turned around and saw me going down on him. It was rather scary, but I loved this dude and we didn’t have anywhere else to fool around.

Adam was into Karate. I can’t remember what belt he was though. Kooky thing, He loved to twist my arm behind my back giving me just enough pain while he kissed me. He actually did that in a very sexy way that really turned me on. He would just barely touch his lips to mine and when he would feel me cringe from his twisting he would lay a kiss on me. I can’t lie, this made me hard!

I lost my virginity to Adam one day at my house while my father was away on business and my mother was asleep downstairs. I invited him over and instead of going to a movie, we went upstairs. He had purchased some strawberry/kiwi lubrication that we were going use. I still can’t drink or eat anything flavored strawberry/kiwi or I think of him. That day I was going to let Adam fuck me. Before I tell you about that, I need to give you some background information. He actually was the first person to give me gay pornography. I had seen straight porn at home, finding my father’s stash, but he exposed me to male on male action (on VHS). None the less, when we started to have sex (using condoms and strawberry/kiwi lube), I noticed it all seemed a bit too familiar. All the positions we were trying and all the actions he was doing were straight from the porn movies he shared with me. He was actually acting out a porn! Porn is made to look good for the camera. It is not good for real life! It didn’t matter after that. It hurt too much and I couldn’t take most of him. I made him stop.

Adam and I were boyfriends for about seven months. It seriously was puppy love. He even gave me a stuffed dog that we named “Ruffy”. Ruffy was later eaten by one of Adam’s animals and was replaced with Scruffy. It was a good first relationship. I was heartbroken when he decided to break up with me, but you always remember your first. I’ll always have that with him. He has since moved to another state, which I visited him about six years later, but now he is straight and only likes women. I do remember this girl named Amy he was hanging around with at the end of or relationship that ended up being his next girlfriend. You win some, you lose some.

I would never go out with Adam again.

Report Card:

Looks:                 A

Personality:       C

In Bed:                B

Dateability:       C

About me.

April 19, 2010

My name is Aric. As of now I’m a 28 year old gay guy living in a major U.S. city. I grew up in several towns all over America and I’ve landed here in, uh, let’s call it Springfield! I’ve lived here in Springfield for about eight years now. This is about the longest time I’ve ever lived in one city. Growing up my family moved from one city to another, having to change schools each time. This was very hard on a young child. I constantly had to make new friends in each town, which i guess in turn made me grow up faster, but it wasn’t fun. Being an effeminate boy didn’t help me much either. Kids can be small minded and cruel. When I was a young child of 13 years old and younger, i would often be mistaken for a girl. I can remember one instance while shopping at a store with my mother I needed to use the restroom. I asked an employee for the restroom and after pointing it out to me, turned to my mother and said, “My lord, she has the prettiest green eyes!”

I was very quickly labeled a faggot by my fellow students, something which I denied until taking a boy to prom my senior year, but I’ll talk about that later. I had few friends, but had two close friends. Each day I was ridiculed for something, but I just wanted to fit in. I was never beat up or anything. I wouldn’t let that happen. I once got a student expelled for threatening me with “I’ll burn your house down!”, but seriously, he was a small minded hick. The most that ever really happened to me was verbal ridicule. I remember hearing about Matthew Shepherd when I was teenager and thought myself very lucky. I only had to fight once, in 5th grade. I kicked his small minded ass.

So fast forward to my adulthood. I’m 28 years old (but still look 21), I’m tall, handsome, cute, sometimes sexy, and defiantly a lot more masculine than I was before. I’m a guy. A cute, white guy. Men are attracted to me, and I’m occasionally hit on. I try to avoid being hit on though. I’m rather shy and reserved and don’t like interacting with people that much. Doctors call it Social Anxiety Disorder, or S.A.D. What an acronym, right?! I’m very self-conscious and have a fear of social situations. I’m not sure if that is something  that was brought on by fear of walking around school and being afraid that I’m going to be made fun of, or if it’s something else.

I think that’s a pretty good summary so far. I have many many stories to share, so we’ll get back to my personal history soon……

Hello internets!

April 19, 2010

I wanted, no, needed to start this blog to confess my sins and tell the world of all the injustice I’ve endured from the people in my life, men especially. I admit that I can be eccentric and a bit crazy but I’m still a sweet, harmless guy whose bark is bigger than his bite. I probably am a little bitter right now, but after 12 years of dating and several boyfriends later, I’ve seen how evil other gay guys can be and I’m not going to let it stand anymore. Beware, if you cross me, you will be called out!